Friday, September 9, 2016

So today I perusing good ole facebook and saw an article about a grandmother who was so saddened by no one coming to her 9 yr old grandsons birthday party. Out of 30 classmates none of them showed and the excuses are just as sad as to them not showing up. One parent blatantly told the mom that her child could not play with the little boy for the simple fact he is different. This is all due to the little boy having surgeries for a condition that is no fault of anyone's. How this saddened me!!! I have a 9 yr old and no one ever comes to his birthday parties. Family might come, but I try my best to make it a great one. So I was thinking that I wanted to start up some kind of card giving service. One where if you are celebrating your birthday alone, then let me know and I will be glad to send you a card, maybe even a gift (depending on my finances at the moment). I have spent the last few years with people forgetting my birthday and it makes no difference to me. I am used to it by now, but for a child, that is one day they all look forward to. How great would it be to put a smile on a persons face if they got a card for their birthday. Them knowing that at least one person remembered their birthday. So I know this is way off topic, but if you don't ever get remembered, then let me know and I will be sure to send you or someone you know a card to brighten their day!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The joys of joining a gym that has a scan key instead of an open door. My old gym Planet Fitness had open doors 24/7 and always having someone working. I just recently joined Anytime Fitness and I love it. I hadn't been in 3 days from being sick and trying to get my home taken care of along with my kids. So I decide last night I am hell bent on getting my gym on. I get there and conveniently it will not work, so of course no one knows me there since I am new and will not let me in either. I get that, but now I have to wait until probably Tuesday since Monday is Labor day to get in touch with anyone regarding why my key won't work and I am a new member who signed up on 8/24/16. Sucks, because I look so forward to getting in the gym and using the equipment. I hate working out without equipment. I kind of feel lost with nothing even though I know it can be better for you to build just body strength off of using your own body weight. Anyways, I wish companies would fix this to where I could at least scan my id or they could have called to let me know my key wasn't going to work. I don't understand why since I am a brand new member. But okay....
        Before that my kids and I made a stop in at the local Wal-Mart marketplace by my parents. I can sometimes find good deals here, but none really last night. I did forget that I used to use the Shopkick app. You can earn money on some of the things you purchase regularly. It is great. I am up to about $1.50 on what I have already bought last night. I finally get to use this app and definitely recommend it since they really to reimburse you for the food you buy if it is on their list. Check it out on the play store! They have it for android and iPhone.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

So to start off, today is the first day of September. About 3 weeks ago we were dealing with my town flooding along with many other towns/cities in South Louisiana flooding. This last month to two months have been an eye opener for me. Newly single, but definitely not looking. I finally moved into my own place with just my kids and I. I can finally say I have a place of my own even though it is only renting for the year. It feels so good to say everything is in my name and MINE!! lol!! You see for me, this has been the one thing I have never done for myself, and always wanted to, but prioritized being with someone and helping others before giving myself what I truly wanted and needed.
     On another note, I have a great job with a great boss and decent pay, but it seems like it isn't going to be enough to cover all of my bills.  I have decided that I am going to blog again and see where this takes me. I am not even sure what to blog about since everyone does the same thing. I would love to blog about fitness or saving money, but everyone else seems to do that too. I guess for me I will blog about everything until I figure out where this takes me. Anyone with any great tips for earning money while blogging it would be greatly appreciated!!

I am back!!

 Good evening & man is it good to be back on here. I have been through a lot these past 2 years since I last blogged..really going on 3 ...