Saturday, November 28, 2020

I am back!!

 Good evening & man is it good to be back on here. I have been through a lot these past 2 years since I last blogged..really going on 3 years. Anyway, I hope everyone is managing to get through this year as best as possible. It has been quite a year since the beginning. I don't think anyone thought we would be where we are at this point in the year.. especially in 2020.

  So on to getting to my point. I am starting this blog back up. Currently, I am working a full-time job as a customer service rep/accounts receivables where I have been working for the last 6 years, but I don't' see that working out too much longer. The job has become overwhelming and quite stressful. Work has been piling up more work on me than I care to stress over and pretty much filling in for a manager who doesn't seem to want to be at work like he should. Not knocking anyone for what they choose, but it becomes a bit much when the assistant manager is constantly calling in/taking off and leaving us short in office and others are having to fill in on his duties. Plus, there really isn't any more growth for me at this company. I can't move up as those positions seem to only go to the men and I really don't feel this job is for me anymore. At this point, it is no longer fulfilling and more like a job to pay the bills. So back to blogging and trying to switch over to remote work and working from home to have less stress & more time for my teenagers and not burning the candle at both ends. 

Since the quarantine, I like many others have gained those covid 20 as I call them. I am working towards trying to widdle down the weight, but it has gotten so much harder than I anticipated. I have also let people and things get in the way of my view and I need to refind my "why". It has been a struggle since a lot of the time with the stress of work, I have ended up in a dark place and manage to pull myself out by talking myself into the gym and reminding myself I have 2 kids relying on me and I can push through the dark depths I seem to find myself in sometimes. It gets lonely being single, but I manage to keep my head up even though it would be great to have someone to go home to and just hold and see when I get home or when they get home. It gets tiring grinding this out. I need to find a goal again. I had one and let a man get in the way of that and had to make a few changes due to the environment was not a good one and reminder of things that took place, but as of now, I have changed to 2 other places versus the one. So for now I am good, and still trucking along. Trying to make my gains again. It has been hard restarting, but hearing people say you are doing awesome and finding out they really see me as a "badass", makes it worthwhile. So if anyone has a word of advice or tips on making the switch from in-office work to remote, please feel free to send them my way. I need as much help as I can get to get away from my office and on to the next part of my journey. 

I hope all are doing well and keeping your heads up. Good night for now and keep pushing yourselves to make those gains and changes to better yourself for those who look up to you. Love yourself first!! 

Monday, July 23, 2018

    Good morning & Happy Monday!! I know it's not exactly the best day of the week for some, but for others it is a great time to try that something new you have been wanting. So I am finally in a position to start posting again. Yesterday while shopping for the second time at the grocery store this week, I stumbled upon a new drink in the cold section with the teas, juices, etc...  It is called Stok Protein cold brew coffee. This has 4 servings per container (12fl oz per serving; 48 fl oz per bottle) The specific flavor I chose was the Creamed Espresso. I chose this specifically because it has protein in it and in such a high amount per serving. There are 16g of protein in each serving. How awesomely crazy is that? So since I had to make the choice to cut out coffee due to it being the culprit in me not losing weight (yes I mean fat weight, not muscle). I have kept my foods down to the basics except for the cream and coffee I drink in the mornings and sometimes the afternoons. However, I am hoping that at about $5 a bottle, this will help take place of coffee for me. This is a great drink to replace coffee with if you are trying to lose weight as it has a mix of caffeine & protein. 
    Now mind you, this is not for someone who loves a sweetened coffee. This does not taste sweet at all whatsoever. This is for someone trying to get in more protein and less fat, yet still have their morning caffeine, but without the complete bitter taste. Yes this does have somewhat of a bitter taste, but it is not so bad that I can't handle it. There are plenty of other flavors as well. They are as follows:


  • Black Bold & Smooth (Not too sweet) 48 OZ 
  • Black Bold & Smooth (Unsweet)   48 OZ
  • Black Bold & Smooth Chocolate 48 OZ
  • Protein Creamed Espresso 48 OZ
  • Vanilla (Not too sweet) 13.7 OZ 
  • Black (Not too sweet) 13.7 OZ
  • Black (Unsweet) 13.7 OZ
  • Mocha (Not too sweet) 13.7 OZ
  • Yerba Mate (slightly sweet) 48 OZ
  • Yerba Mate Peach 48 OZ
These teas are brewed for 10 Hours per their Our Story page. They even have a list of Stokabulary !! You can even check out some videos on their inspiration behind this new drink. They made this in mind with people who want the extra protein and just can't seem to give up the coffee, yet they don't want the extras like energy drinks, etc that some people might use to get their energy up. So check them out and see what you think. 
   If you are are looking at where you can purchase, they even have a section for that. I purchased mine at the Wal-Mart Marketplace by my home. If they carry it there, then they most likely carry this stuff everywhere. 

**Disclaimer: I am not getting paid and have not received anything for free regarding Stok Protein drinks, Stok coffee, Stok Tea's. I solely decided to blog about this on my own due to loving their espresso drink and someone who recommends this product. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

So today I perusing good ole facebook and saw an article about a grandmother who was so saddened by no one coming to her 9 yr old grandsons birthday party. Out of 30 classmates none of them showed and the excuses are just as sad as to them not showing up. One parent blatantly told the mom that her child could not play with the little boy for the simple fact he is different. This is all due to the little boy having surgeries for a condition that is no fault of anyone's. How this saddened me!!! I have a 9 yr old and no one ever comes to his birthday parties. Family might come, but I try my best to make it a great one. So I was thinking that I wanted to start up some kind of card giving service. One where if you are celebrating your birthday alone, then let me know and I will be glad to send you a card, maybe even a gift (depending on my finances at the moment). I have spent the last few years with people forgetting my birthday and it makes no difference to me. I am used to it by now, but for a child, that is one day they all look forward to. How great would it be to put a smile on a persons face if they got a card for their birthday. Them knowing that at least one person remembered their birthday. So I know this is way off topic, but if you don't ever get remembered, then let me know and I will be sure to send you or someone you know a card to brighten their day!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The joys of joining a gym that has a scan key instead of an open door. My old gym Planet Fitness had open doors 24/7 and always having someone working. I just recently joined Anytime Fitness and I love it. I hadn't been in 3 days from being sick and trying to get my home taken care of along with my kids. So I decide last night I am hell bent on getting my gym on. I get there and conveniently it will not work, so of course no one knows me there since I am new and will not let me in either. I get that, but now I have to wait until probably Tuesday since Monday is Labor day to get in touch with anyone regarding why my key won't work and I am a new member who signed up on 8/24/16. Sucks, because I look so forward to getting in the gym and using the equipment. I hate working out without equipment. I kind of feel lost with nothing even though I know it can be better for you to build just body strength off of using your own body weight. Anyways, I wish companies would fix this to where I could at least scan my id or they could have called to let me know my key wasn't going to work. I don't understand why since I am a brand new member. But okay....
        Before that my kids and I made a stop in at the local Wal-Mart marketplace by my parents. I can sometimes find good deals here, but none really last night. I did forget that I used to use the Shopkick app. You can earn money on some of the things you purchase regularly. It is great. I am up to about $1.50 on what I have already bought last night. I finally get to use this app and definitely recommend it since they really to reimburse you for the food you buy if it is on their list. Check it out on the play store! They have it for android and iPhone.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

So to start off, today is the first day of September. About 3 weeks ago we were dealing with my town flooding along with many other towns/cities in South Louisiana flooding. This last month to two months have been an eye opener for me. Newly single, but definitely not looking. I finally moved into my own place with just my kids and I. I can finally say I have a place of my own even though it is only renting for the year. It feels so good to say everything is in my name and MINE!! lol!! You see for me, this has been the one thing I have never done for myself, and always wanted to, but prioritized being with someone and helping others before giving myself what I truly wanted and needed.
     On another note, I have a great job with a great boss and decent pay, but it seems like it isn't going to be enough to cover all of my bills.  I have decided that I am going to blog again and see where this takes me. I am not even sure what to blog about since everyone does the same thing. I would love to blog about fitness or saving money, but everyone else seems to do that too. I guess for me I will blog about everything until I figure out where this takes me. Anyone with any great tips for earning money while blogging it would be greatly appreciated!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Browsing the net while I am supposed to be working is one of the perks of having an office job in a quiet office. I have been browsing and saw a good bit of communities on Google+ that I didn't know where there. I am going to post links for them. They are specifically either motivational or fitness related.

A Better Fit Me  Get Fit Support Group   Fit At Any Age  Get Fit, Lose Weight, Boost Health

Nutrition Food & Facts

These are just a few that you can join and get great advice on getting fit and healthy at any age. It is never too late to start working out if it is just walking or something a little more like sit-ups or crunches. I know it isn't ever easy to keep the motivation and certainly not completely easy for someone who has never wanted to or saw a need to workout. You can say I wish... all you want, but unless you get up and push yourself to get started and get through the workout, it won't happen. I of all people know this. I used to think, if only I just wouldn't eat as much or eat less or don't eat, I will lose. Oh how wrong I was. I set myself back every time by doing this. Never would I have thought that I would be one to get out and want to workout. Even if you have to grab a partner just to go walking or someone who isn't even living near you and motivate each other by Skype or email, then do it. Only you can change your situation. Only you can make YOU happy! So get up and get moving. It's about 5 o'clock where I am at and I am ready to go running, but kids have to come first and homework and all of the other stuff I need to do. However, I will get a good run in tonight before I go to bed. Another day down, be blessed and keep on moving!

My introduction

So today is the first post I am making on this blog. I had another blog, and wanted to switch over to fitness, but I screwed the background and everything up. Just too much to fix at this moment. I am now going to use this blog to post about just fitness.
  So my goal as of right now is to get back on my feet and to compete in the bikini/fitness competitions. I am to a point, where I feel like I haven't done much with my life and I am just sitting here working and being a mom and it's the same day in and day out. I am currently a secretary and honestly the pay isn't that much. Just enough to get by and living with family helps, however right now finances are pretty tight and I figure I might as well try at home workouts since cancelling my gym membership. Sucks, but oh well. I will be back in the gym soon. I am just ready to move forward with my plans and I can't stand still waiting to get my membership back. I figured I might as well blog about my progress. This week I have visitors at home, so I am trying to work around accommodating them while getting a workout in.
  My progress was great while I was in the gym everyday. I made my gains weekly, but life got in the way and had to put working out on the back burner which was my first mistake. Now I have this huge urge to workout with things at home and work and friends. I have this huge need to get a good workout in.
   A great website I have found is . I have found some supportive people here and they have some great tips and workouts along with foods to eat. I plan to make the most of it until I can actually afford a personal trainer to help me.

This is just my introductory blog. There is more to come. Until next time stay blessed and remember tomorrow is a new day to start all over.

I am back!!

 Good evening & man is it good to be back on here. I have been through a lot these past 2 years since I last blogged..really going on 3 ...