Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Browsing the net while I am supposed to be working is one of the perks of having an office job in a quiet office. I have been browsing and saw a good bit of communities on Google+ that I didn't know where there. I am going to post links for them. They are specifically either motivational or fitness related.

A Better Fit Me  Get Fit Support Group   Fit At Any Age  Get Fit, Lose Weight, Boost Health

Nutrition Food & Facts

These are just a few that you can join and get great advice on getting fit and healthy at any age. It is never too late to start working out if it is just walking or something a little more like sit-ups or crunches. I know it isn't ever easy to keep the motivation and certainly not completely easy for someone who has never wanted to or saw a need to workout. You can say I wish... all you want, but unless you get up and push yourself to get started and get through the workout, it won't happen. I of all people know this. I used to think, if only I just wouldn't eat as much or eat less or don't eat, I will lose. Oh how wrong I was. I set myself back every time by doing this. Never would I have thought that I would be one to get out and want to workout. Even if you have to grab a partner just to go walking or someone who isn't even living near you and motivate each other by Skype or email, then do it. Only you can change your situation. Only you can make YOU happy! So get up and get moving. It's about 5 o'clock where I am at and I am ready to go running, but kids have to come first and homework and all of the other stuff I need to do. However, I will get a good run in tonight before I go to bed. Another day down, be blessed and keep on moving!

My introduction

So today is the first post I am making on this blog. I had another blog, and wanted to switch over to fitness, but I screwed the background and everything up. Just too much to fix at this moment. I am now going to use this blog to post about just fitness.
  So my goal as of right now is to get back on my feet and to compete in the bikini/fitness competitions. I am to a point, where I feel like I haven't done much with my life and I am just sitting here working and being a mom and it's the same day in and day out. I am currently a secretary and honestly the pay isn't that much. Just enough to get by and living with family helps, however right now finances are pretty tight and I figure I might as well try at home workouts since cancelling my gym membership. Sucks, but oh well. I will be back in the gym soon. I am just ready to move forward with my plans and I can't stand still waiting to get my membership back. I figured I might as well blog about my progress. This week I have visitors at home, so I am trying to work around accommodating them while getting a workout in.
  My progress was great while I was in the gym everyday. I made my gains weekly, but life got in the way and had to put working out on the back burner which was my first mistake. Now I have this huge urge to workout with things at home and work and friends. I have this huge need to get a good workout in.
   A great website I have found is BodyBuilding.com . I have found some supportive people here and they have some great tips and workouts along with foods to eat. I plan to make the most of it until I can actually afford a personal trainer to help me.

This is just my introductory blog. There is more to come. Until next time stay blessed and remember tomorrow is a new day to start all over.

I am back!!

 Good evening & man is it good to be back on here. I have been through a lot these past 2 years since I last blogged..really going on 3 ...